Artificial Intelligence


At ROBOMIND, we are at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovation, developing solutions that drive efficiency, enhance decision-making, and revolutionize industries. Our expertise spans several domains of AI, including machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning, backed by our robust portfolio of projects.

Robotics and Autonomous Systems:

Our work with ROS2 and deep reinforcement learning, as evidenced in our project Intelligent ROS2 illustrates our commitment to advancing autonomous systems. By integrating cutting-edge AI with practical robotic applications, we empower machines to navigate and interact in dynamic environments with high precision.


Deep Learning & Machine Learning Frameworks

Our open-source project, BabyTorch, showcases our capability in simplifying deep learning algorithms, making them accessible and scalable. This initiative helps researchers and developers to implement state-of-the-art deep learning models with ease, fostering innovation in AI applications.

LLMs for Swarm Robots

This technology combines the power of swarm robotics with advanced natural language processing capabilities of Large Language Models. It enables a network of robots  to understand and execute complex commands, improving coordination and enhancing their operational efficiency across diverse tasks and environments.

At ROBOMIND, AI is not just a tool but a gateway to creating smarter, more connected systems that anticipate needs and optimize outcomes across all sectors. Our continued investment in research and development ensures that we remain leaders in AI innovation, delivering technologies that redefine the possibilities of tomorrow.